5 Reasons Why Sleep is Vital For Healthy Skin
There are many health attributes of sleep as we’ve often heard, but in relation to the skin, many of us don’t realise the main reasons why sleep is important for healthy skin.
Experts say that we should get at least 7-9 hours of good sleep every night, as it gives our body the rest it requires for all our systems and organs to repair itself and recover.
The first and main reason why you need to get good sleep, is that our skin is the largest organ in our body. While all others organs are resting, the skin actually goes to work at night, generating new cells.
This is why it is so important that we cleanse our skin at night and use a good night cream to provide the nutrition it needs while it goes to work and also replace water which is lost more through the night than during the day.
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Next we need avoid dark circles under the eyes which can often be caused by lack of sleep. This happens when the blood doesn’t flow well, and can collect under the eyes where the skin is thin, and gives you that dark bruised look.
Many of us are in the habit of using devices and/or watching TV with little or no lighting. This not only causes an enormous amount of strain, but also the saggy skin which is tired like the rest of our bodies.
There are other reasons for dark circles so please see your doctor if you are getting enough sleep.
We all yearn for that glowing healthy skin, well good sleep is so important to ensure that you get adequate blood flow to the skin on the face.
Without this, your skin will look dull, droopy and lifeless.
Its amazing just how much healthier you will be with a few more hours of sleep. Your skin will glow and your cheeks will have that beautiful, rosy shine.
Think of how much energy you have when you wake up after a good night of sleep, your skin also has the same feeling.
Another reason why sleep is vital for healthy skin, is that the skin produces more collagen when you sleep, an important ingredient to prevent sagging. Not only will it allow you to have fewer fine lines, but also your skin will be more hydrated, thus making fine lines less visible.
Think back to the last time you had a restless night, how saggy did your skin look? How puffy and swollen were your eyes? That look can stay with you all day.
How often do you see someone and ask if they’re ok?
They look sad, down, like something is wrong and so many times they will say they didn’t sleep well.
Just like any other part of the body, you’re skin feels the strain of fatigue and it will droop.
Eyes become furrowed and red, eyelids get puffy and heavy and even the corners of the mouth get droopy.
Thought it might be helpful to add a few tips to getting a better night’s sleep now that you know the reason why sleep is vital for healthy skin.
- Eliminate the use of devices at least 2 hours prior to going to bed. Read instead. Devices heighten your senses and tell the brain that you’re not ready for sleep.
- Avoid alcohol. Most people think that alcohol helps you to relax but in actual fact it interferes with the body’s natural sleep mechanism. So in essence you are in a false sleep and overtime this can cause insomnia.
- Avoid drinks with caffeine and high sugar as caffeine is a stimulant and will interfere with the sleep process. Also it is a diuretc and may cause you to wake up to use the bathroom
- Try a relaxing warm bath with epsom salts followed by a cup of warm milk and feel yourself drift off more peacefully
Now that you understand the reasons why sleep is vital for healthy skin, try to get a few more hours in and you’ll see the results instantly.
Sweet dreams
Look Feel Live Your Best and Decide Today to Live for Tomorrow
Always Anna
Hi Anna,
Great information!
While your tips help us to achieve better sleep, they are crucial for our general wellbeing too.
Our body needs quality sleep to recover. Sleep well. Wake up energized.
Thank you for sharing!