Let’s look at some simple ways to prevent premature aging of the skin. A constant source of frustration and despair to many, is premature ageing of the skin, with magazines constantly bombarding us with images of how we’re supposed to look and then there’s the constant products and programs promising amazing and immediate results.
It’s true to say, that whilst advertising from the Beauty Industry seeks to assist us with the many products and services available, they are also a source of confusion and instil a lot of fear and insecurity about the way we’re “supposed” to look.
I’m a firm believer that if you take care of yourself as naturally as possible, then nature will take it’s course and leave you looking and feeling your best everyday. Why? Because your confidence takes over and there is nothing more beautiful than a confident, happy woman. Comfortable in her own skin and secure around others.
The truth is that there are so many simple ways to prevent premature ageing of the skin and most of them are free or super inexpensive.
Lets start from the beginning. We all need to get regular, uninterrupted sleep, around 7-9 hours per night is recommended. Why this is so important to our skin is that, our skin, being the largest organ of the body, needs us to rest in order for it to regenerate healthy cells.
Our skin cells go to work at night, so we need to have plenty of regular shut eye to let them get to work.
When you wake up, the next step is to drink plenty of purified water. Start with a glass or two, squeeze some lemon juice if you can. The usual amount is 8 glasses per day and not only will this help hydrate our cells but also assist in flushing away all those toxins which make our skin look dull.
If you like to drink caffeinated drinks and alcohol and fruit juices, always follow up with a glass of water as this helps our liver with the cleansing process.
Before you leave the house, make sure you use 50+ SPF factor in your facial and skin moisturisers to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays which not only damage, dry out and burn your skin but can cause harmful skin cancers.
If you notice parts of your body which aren’t exposed to the sun, you will see a major difference between those that are. Look at the palms of your hands compared to the top of your hands. There is now evidence that even the UV lighting in offices causes damage to the skin so re-applying your SPF moisturiser throughout the day is also a good idea.
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If you really like to look tanned, there are many tinted moisturisers to choose from with amazing results and no skin damage.
Do some stretching and regular exercise so that you get plenty of oxygen into the blood stream and improve your circulation. This keeps your blood healthy and assists with flushing out impurities ultimately resulting in glowing skin.
Throughout your day, try to eat a healthy well balanced diet. If you stick to 2 fruits and 5 servings of vegetables per day you’re off to a great start. Avoid fried, fatty and over processed foods and too much refined sugar. This only clogs the liver and slows down the cleansing process and leads to dull looking skin, as our skin cells fail to receive the required nutrition for plump, healthy cells.
At night, even if you’ve cleansed your skin in the morning, cleanse again at night to keep the pores clean, and follow with a hydrating anti-ageing night cream. This way you will give your skin cells extra nutrition for the long night ahead while they get to work making fresh cells.
In summary you’ve now realised that not only are there many simple ways to prevent premature ageing of the skin, many from Mother Nature, but they can all be incorporated in your normal day to day routine.
Stress free, hassle free, simple and nothing that will break your budget.
Give it a try, you’ll be amazed at the results and how many people will notice the difference.
Look Feel Live Your Best and Decide Today to Live for Tomorrow
Always Anna
Hi Anna.First of all you look fabulous in your picture.Thankyou for all your tips.Very helpfull.Take care????