What’s So Good About Mineral Make-Up

There’s been a lot of buzz around what’s so good about Mineral Make-Up for awhile now, but is it just the latest fad or are the experts on to make-up that could actually be good for you skin?

I’m pleased to say that yes, there are many benefits to using Mineral Make-up and here’s why it’s so good.

Before we talk about why it’s so good, it’s important to know that for the most part it’s about what it doesn’t contain. Mineral make-up is void of many of the nasties like wax, chemically derived oils and pretty much all the culprits that clog the pores of your skin.

You may not realise that Mineral Make-up dates back to ancient civilisations and was used to add colour to the skin for decoration and camouflage. Just like many industries today, the make-up industry has evolved and are going back to more natural and safer ingredients.

I would have to say that the most beneficial aspect of Mineral Make-up is that it has far less added ingredients than traditional make-up, most are of which are derived from naturally occurring minerals. What this means for your skin is less clogging of pores, less irritation, it promotes healthy skin and a much more flawless finish to your look.

Simple bridal makeup 2Mineral Make-up has two ingredients which are found in sunscreen, which gives the skin added protection against the sun and helps with anti-ageing.The SPF ingredient in the ASAP range adds a physical barrier to the harmful rays of the sun and pollution, whilst still allowing your skin to breathe. 

Commonly found in sunscreens are Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide and these are two of the major ingredients in Mineral Make-up.

What this means for the skin is that they help to reflect the sun’s damaging rays away from the skin. It is still important to wear a moisturiser containing an SPF factor, underneath the make-up, as it will not provide enough coverage on its own.

Mineral ingredients are bacteria free and wont expire or go off. Not only does this mean that’s its safer for your skin, but also much more economical as you will not need to discard unused product that has reached it’s use by date.

For people who suffer with skin conditions such as rosacea, sensitive or acne prone skin, Make-up was often the cause of aggravating the problem or creating irritation. The beauty of mineral make-up is that it infuses with the skin’s natural oils to help balance the skin. In many cases, it helps to heal, protect and soothe the skin. It is so light that it barely feels you are wearing any make-up at all, yet still giving you a glowing, flawless finish.

Another great benefit of using mineral make-up, is that it will not interfere with the skin’s normal functions. It is so weightless that the skin will be able to breathe, and will not settle into the creases of the skin. This is particularly beneficial to ageing skin, where traditional make-up actually highlights wrinkles and fine lines caused by settling of the product.

Mineral MakeupFor those of us who like to wear make-up but still want that natural look, Mineral make-up should be your first choice.

It is designed to sit weightlessly on the skin, so that you don’t get that sagging, dull look after a few hours. It is particularly wonderful in hot weather as it allows the skin the breathe and avoid sweating and shiny patches.

It has become so popular that you’ll find most forms of make-up with a mineral base.

For dryer skins there are liquid foundations, still as light as ever and for a more oily skin the powders perform better as they bind with the natural oils of the skin.

Either way, your skin will glow with the weightless mineral make-up.

As with most products, they are not all created equally, and some companies will sneak in added chemicals, so it is important to do your research and read labels.

ASAP pure is Australia’s 1st Cosmeceutical Mineral Makeup. Voted the Best Mineral makeup at the Australian Beauty Awards for 2011.  It combines the highest quality natural ingredients from the earth, with the latest advances in skincare technology to provide a radiant finish, improved skin health and anti-pollution protection.

So there you have it, now you know what’s so good about Mineral Make-up and the so many benefits to using it, the next step is to give it a try and watch the amazing results.

Look Feel Live Your Best and Decide Today to Live for Tomorrow

Always Anna